We used to have to upload our own targeted lists but now Facebook's targeting is amazing.

So, let's get down to it. Here are the do's and don'ts when it comes to Facebook Ads.


#1. Don't Boost Your Post

I know Facebook gives you great incentive to boost your post for only $5 (Rs.300/-) but this isn't worth it.

Do's: Instead Opt For Setting Up An Ad Campaign Through The Ads Manager Or Power Editor.

Going this route allows you more control on where your money is going.

#2. Don't Just Launch Your Campaign Whenever

Have you ever heard the phrase: "There's a time and a place"? Hopefully that's a 'Yes'.

There is a time and a place to setup and launch your campaign.

Most people use social media on the weekend. Seriously, there is a significant surge in people on social media when Friday rolls around.

Do's: In This Case I Always Recommend That My Client Launch On A Thursday Night Or Friday Morning And End The Campaign On A Sunday Night Or Monday Morning.

By doing this you're guaranteed to hit more people with your ad versus running the campaign during the week.

#3. Don't set a daily budget

When setting up your campaign/ad you can select from two options: Daily Budget or Lifetime Budget.

Do's: Selecting Lifetime Budget Is A Better Option Overall.

You can decide what the budget is and how long you want to run it. I've had clients run a weekend campaign and I've had others run a three month campaign.

The Lifetime Budget means that you're not set with using just one amount per day. Which means that Facebook will adjust and spend the majority of your money when it'll hit the most people. If you kept with the Daily Budget you wouldn't have this nice little bonus and you would be restricted on only advertising to a smaller number of people even if there are way more using Facebook at a specific day and time.

#4. Don't put text in your images

This is a BIG no, no on Facebook and will likely get your ad removed.

Okay, so not a gigantic no, no but you do have restrictions.

Basically, there's a 20 Percent Rule with using text on images in Facebook.

But, basically, you don't want text to take up more than 20% of your image.

After you create an ad, Facebook still has to approve it. This will get your ad rejected. I've had it happen, y'all.

Do's: Have Your Title and Message Say What You Want.

And use images that are appealing to the eyes. This all varies based on your industry but see what appeals to your consumer.


#5. Don't just add one image

People like options and variety but adding more images can also help you in your Facebook marketing efforts for the long hall.


Do's: Create The Same Campaign By Using The Single Image Selection Under The Format.

Facebook will randomize which pictures show up to which targets (the leads you've selected) and you can upload up to 6 without getting charged extra.

Why do I suggest this?

Well, Facebook has this really awesome analysis tool where you can watch how people interact with each ad. If one image is getting significantly better results than another, well that means you should be using more images like that one and delete the ones that have the lowest click rate.

#6. Don't pass up your audience

Really get to know who your audience/consumers are and what turns them off. Targeting is the most important part of your campaign. So use it wisely.

Do's: Be Very Selective On Your Targeting.

Yes, this will remove people from your list. But we're looking for quality not quantity.

Be very selective on who you want to view your ad and tailor your targeting to reflect this.

In business, you wouldn't work with just anyone who approaches you. Most successful business professionals and entrepreneurs are very selective of who they work with.

It's not all about the numbers or the money. You want to ensure you're spending your money wisely and that you're targeting that specific, perfect person who needs what you're selling.

Don't waste your money advertising to people who won't buy from you.

Targeting is the basis to any successful marketing campaign.

7. Don't violate Facebook's Guidelines

Check their Policy.

#8. Don't write too much

Some sections limit your characters but others allow you a pass to have a more lengthy message.


I strongly urge you to not do this. Please don't have your targeted audience have to read a novel to understand what you're trying to sell them.

Some will take it as rude and will definitely turn people away.

Do's: Instead Keep It Short And Sweet.

Get to the point quickly and efficiently. Give them something to entice them to click through. People need an incentive.

Thinking about how you approach your email subscriptions. People want something in return so give it to them.



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